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Road to Star Wars Episode IX: The ‘Machete Order’ Still Works

A Saga Tour Guide’s Advice On How To Prepare for the End of The Saga, First Time or Not!

5 min readNov 4, 2019


With The Rise of Skywalker (and, with it, the end of the Skywalker saga) releasing this December, I’ve had a number of people express an interest in (re)watching the previous episodes. With Disney+coming out in just a few weeks, there’s almost no excuse not to, either. Whether or not someone has watched the movies before, the same question usually follows up that stated goal: what order should I watch the movies?

My go to for years has been Rod Hilton’s “Machete Order”. It’s is generally well-accepted by the fanbase and has some strong arguments for why it is superior than just following a chronological order (yes, there are multiple chronologies). However, it does need a little updating and additional explanation (which we’ll get into down below).

Got a Bad Feeling About Spoilers?

I avoid giving any spoilers down below, so if you’ve never watched nor completed the saga before, you’re safe to move forward!



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